Research Article

Probable RBD Associates with the Development of RLS in Parkinson’s Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 3

Analysis of relative factors of RLS severity in PD patients.

Relevant factors value

Age at presentation0.1420.517
Age of PD onset0.0360.870
Duration of PD0.4380.036
Unilateral/bilateral involvement0.1990.056
UPDRS III0.3080.152
Hoehn and Yahr grade0.3760.077
MMSE score-0.0670.761
HAMD score0.2570.236
Daily LED0.6370.001

PD = Parkinson’s disease; RLS = restless leg syndrome; UPDRS III = unified Parkinson’s disease rating scale III; PRBD = probable rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder; MMSE = minimum mental state examination; HAMD = Hamilton depression scale; daily LED = daily levodopa equivalent dose; tips for positive correlation, between the severity of RLS in PD patients with duration of PD or daily LED.