Review Article

From Broca and Wernicke to the Neuromodulation Era: Insights of Brain Language Networks for Neurorehabilitation

Table 1

Dual stream model: main hubs and white matter connections of the dorsal and ventral pathways for language processing.

Dorsal stream (left dominant)Ventral stream (bilaterally distributed)

Main “hubs”(i) Inferior frontal gyrus
(ii) Ventral portions of the precentral gyrus
(iii) Anterior portions of the insula
(iv) Posterior sector of the insula
(v) Ventral portions of the supramarginal gyrus
(vi) Area Spt
(i) Superior temporal gyrus (STG)
(ii) Superior temporal sulcus (STS)
(iii) Middle and inferior temporal gyri (MTG/ITG)—anterior temporal lobe (ATL)

Main fascicles(i) Articulate fasciculus (AF)
(ii) Posterior components of the superior longitudinal fascicle (SLF)
(i) External capsule (EC)
(ii) Inferior fronto-occipital fascicle (IFOF)
(iii) Inferior longitudinal fascicle (ILF)
(iv) Uncinate fascicle (UF)