Research Article

Hypomania, Depression, Euthymia: New Evidence in Parkinson’s Disease

Table 2

DRT data of patients with Parkinson’s disease.

DRT-patients (n-MF+MF), n-MF, MF, (d.f.) value

L-dopa mg/die374.5311.7462.5-3.34(68)0.001
Total LEDDs739.6592.6945.4-3.24(70)0.002
I-MAO selegiline0.
I-MAO rasagiline0.
L-dopa years6.14.48.6-4.03(69)<0.0001

Data are reported as mean (standard deviation). Legend: DA: dopamine agonists; LEDDs: L-dopa equivalent doses; I-MAO: monoamine oxidase inhibitors; I-COMT: catechol-o-methyl transferase inhibitors. Significant values are in bold.