Research Article

Does the Personality of Patients with Parkinson’s Disease Affect the Decision to Perform Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery? A Cross-Sectional Study in a Chinese Cohort

Figure 1

Scores of validity scales and personality scales in three groups of subjects. Note: HC: healthy control; PD-MED: drug-treated PD patients; PD-DBS: STN-DSB surgery; MMPI-1: Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory-1; L: lie; F: fake; K: K correction and defensive responses; Hs: hypochondriasis; D: depression; Hy: hysteria; Pd: psychopathic deviate; Mf: masculinity/femininity; Pa: paranoia; Pt: psychasthenia; Sc: schizophrenia; Ma: hypomania; Si: social introversion.