Research Article

Mild Gait Impairment and Its Potential Diagnostic Value in Patients with Early-Stage Parkinson’s Disease

Table 2

Spatiotemporal gait parameters of participants.


TS (steps)0.001
SL (m)0.003
GV (m/s)0.204
CA (steps/min)0.576
ST (s)0.899
StPT (%)0.312
SwPT (%)0.396
CV-SL (%)<0.001
CV-ST (%)0.229
CV-StPT (%)0.004
CV-SwPT (%)0.011

Data is shown as . TS: total steps; SL: stride length; GV: gait velocity; CA: cadence; ST: stride time; StPT: stance phase time; SwPT: swing phase time; CV: coefficient of variation; ; .