Research Article

Suicide Ideation among Outpatients with Alcohol Use Disorder

Table 1

Difference between patients in nonsuicide ideation group and patients in suicide ideation group in age, gender, employment, alcohol family history, first alcohol drinking age, alcohol use duration, alcohol quit history, domestic violence history, drunk driving history, gamma glutamyl transpeptidase, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, triglyceride, total cholesterol, C-CAGE, C-AUDIT, MAST, C-BDI, C-BAI, social support score, WHOQOL, C-PSQI, C-KCSS, and CHQ-12.

Nonsuicide ideation group ()Suicide ideation group ()

Age (years)0.002
Male gender (%)96.3477.780.001#
Empolyed (%)73.1772.221.000
Family alcohol problems (%)24.3931.480.432
First alcohol drinking age0.564
Teenager (%)28.0527.78
20~29 years old (%)45.1248.15
30~39 years old (%)18.2922.22
40 ~ years old (%)8.541.85
Duration of alcohol use0.154
More than 20 years (%)46.3437.04
16-20 years (%)19.5122.22
11-15 years (%)7.3222.22
5-10 years (%)14.6312.96
Less than 5 years (%)10.985.56
Alcohol quit history (%)58.5464.810.479
Domestic violence history (%)7.3225.930.005#
Drunk driving history (%)53.6659.260.598
Gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (IU/L)0.860
Aspartate aminotransferase (IU/L)0.702
Alanine aminotransferase (IU/L)0.129
Triglyceride (mg/dl)0.936
Total cholesterol (mg/dl)0.673
Social support score0.006

C-CAGE: Chinese version CAGE questionnaire; C-AUDIT: Chinese version Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test; MAST: Brief Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test; C-BDI: Chinese version of Beck Depression Inventory; C-BAI: Chinese version of Beck Anxiety Inventory, Social support score; WHOQOL: Taiwan version World Health Organization Quality of Life; C-PSQI: Chinese version of Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; C-KCSS: Chinese version of Kingston Caregiver Stress Scale; CHQ-12: 12-item Chinese Health Questionnaire. Student’s -test and one-way analysis of variance , . Chi-squared test #, ##.