Research Article

The Effectiveness of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Paradigms as Treatment Options for Recovery of Language Deficits in Chronic Poststroke Aphasia

Table 8

Quality of life at the pretreatment (baseline) stage and at 2 months follow-up using the SAQOL-39g for all participants and at baseline, at 2 months follow-up, at 1 year follow-up, and at 2 years follow-up for participant 1.

Item (maximum score: 5)Participant 1Participant 2Participant 3Participant 4Participant 5Participant 6
Baseline2 months post-TMS1 year post-TMS2 years post-TMSBaseline2 months post-TMSBaseline2 months post TMSBaseline2 months post TMSBaseline2 months post TMSBaseline2 months post TMS

SAQOL-39g mean score2.
Physical score2.382.442.252.14.624.43554.684.5114.754.81
Communication score1.571.721.851.62.712.
Psychosocial score2.22.382.2523.372.563.813.312.873113.253.31