Research Letter

Metabolism of a Glycosaminoglycan during Metamorphosis in the Japanese Conger eel, Conger myriaster

Figure 2

Cellulose acetate electrophoresis of GAGs extracted from leptocephali and glass-eels of the Japanese conger eel before (N) and after (T) treatment with GAG-degrading enzymes. (a) Enzyme treatment with hyaluronidase, (b) enzyme treatment with chondroitinase ABC. M1: lane markers for HA (hyaluronan), HS (heparan sulfate), and C4S (chondroitin sulfate A). M2: lane markers for KS-I (keratin sulfate), C6S (chondroitin sulfate C), and HP (heparin). Arrows indicate HA, and asterisks indicate chondroitin sulfate.