Research Article

Streptozotocin-Induced Adaptive Modification of Mitochondrial Supercomplexes in Liver of Wistar Rats and the Protective Effect of Moringa oleifera Lam

Figure 2

Characterization of OXPHOS proteins expressed in liver mitochondria during diabetes. (a) OXPHOS cocktail specificity demonstrated by a Western blot from liver-isolated mitochondria of diabetic rats and treated with Moringa extract. Relative expression of (b) MTC01 subunit of CIV, (c) SDHB subunit of CII, (d) UQCRC2 subunit of CIII, (e) NDUFB8 subunit of CI, and (f) ATP5A subunit of CV was performed by densitometric analysis from gel. Molecular mass standards are shown on the left panel of the gel. C: control; D: diabetic; M: Moringa-treated group. Data are shown as mean band density normalized relative to UQCR2. Significant differences are represented by versus C; # versus D.