Research Article

Streptozotocin-Induced Adaptive Modification of Mitochondrial Supercomplexes in Liver of Wistar Rats and the Protective Effect of Moringa oleifera Lam

Figure 4

H2O2 production by mitochondrial respiratory chain measured by Amplex Red (UA) in liver mitochondria from different treatments (C: control; D: diabetic; M: Moringa-treated diabetic groups) oxidizing (a) pyruvate plus malate or (b) succinate as substrates and the effects of respiratory chain inhibitors (R: rotenone; A: antimycin A; Ml: malonate). Mitochondria were studied during state 4 respiration. To correct for the increase in background fluorescence of the Amplex Red/HRP detection system overtime, fluorescence was monitored for a period of ten minutes. This background was subtracted from resorufin trace. Data are means ± SEM (n = 5).