Research Article

Interaction of Agaric Acid with the Adenine Nucleotide Translocase Induces Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress

Figure 2

(a). Increased generation of hydrogen peroxide by agaric acid and its inhibition by tamoxifen. Mitochondrial protein (2 mg) was incubated in 3 ml of a basic medium. Where indicated, 3 µM agaric acid (Ag Ac) and 20 µM tamoxifen were added. Results are the mean ± SD of 3 different experiments. vs. control; vs. Ag Ac. (b). Protective effect of tamoxifen on the agaric acid-induced inhibition of the superoxide dismutase enzyme. The added concentrations of agaric acid (Ag Ac) and tamoxifen were 3 µM and 20 µM, respectively. The data represent the mean ± SD of six different experiments. vs. control; vs. Ag Ac. (c). Agaric acid-induced oxidation of the membrane lipid milieu and the inhibitory effect of tamoxifen. Mitochondrial protein (2 mg) was added to 3 ml of a basic medium. Where indicated, 3 µM agaric acid (Ag Ac) and 20 µM tamoxifen (TAM) were added. The data represent the average of six different experiments ± SD of six different experiments. vs. control; vs. Ag Ac. Incubation temperature: 25°C.