Research Article

Diverse Effect of Vitamin C and N-Acetylcysteine on Aluminum-Induced Eryptosis

Figure 6

The effects of AlCl3 on the formation of reactive oxygen species. (a) Original histogram of DCFDA fluorescence in erythrocytes following exposure for 24 hours to Ringer solution (control, grey areas), AlCl3 (100 µM, black lines) AlCl3 (100 µM) in the presence of vit C (0.6 mM, dotted lines) and NAC (1 mM, dashed lines). (b) Geo means ± SD of DCFDA fluorescence in erythrocytes after a 24 hours’ treatment with AlCl3 (100 µM) in the presence of vit C (AlCl3 + vit C) and NAC (AlCl3 + NAC).  < 0.001 compared to the control group, # < 0.01 compared to the AlCl3 group, and ## < 0.05 compared to the AlCl3 group.