Research Article

miR-21 Regulates Immune Balance Mediated by Th17/Treg in Peripheral Blood of Septic Rats during the Early Phase through Apoptosis Pathway

Figure 4

miR-21 activators and inhibitors were transfected into lymphocytes of septic rats. The relative expressions of miR-21 in eight-paired NC rat group, SP rat group, SP rat + miR21 mimic group, and SP rat + miR21 inhibitor group were determined by real-time quantitative PCR [t value (NC versus SP) = 5.436,  < 0.01; t value (miR-21 mimic versus SP) = 23.988,  < 0.01; t value (miR-21 inhibitor versus SP) = 18.393,  < 0.01]. NC group: normal control group; SP group: sepsis group. SP rat + miR21 mimic group: sepsis group with miR-21 activator transfected into lymphocytes; SP rat + miR21 inhibitor group: sepsis group with miR-21 inhibitor transfected into lymphocytes.  < 0.01.