Research Article

Glasgow Coma Scale and Its Components on Admission: Are They Valuable Prognostic Tools in Acute Mixed Drug Poisoning?

Table 5

Prediction of outcomes in patients with MDP.

Variable SE valueUnadjusted OR (95% CI)Adjusted OR* (95% CI)

Motor score
 ≤5443.790.77.00044.16 (9.66–20.185)41.16 (8.67–19.54)
Verbal Score
 4 and 511911
 ≤3334.500.79.00090 (18.86–429.3)153.26 (23.79–987.2)
Eye Score
 3 and 411911
 ≤2333.960.68.00052.47 (13.76–200)51.14 (12.59–207.7)
GCS Score
 ≤10304.780.81.000120 (24.46–588)198 (28.63–1370)

*The OR was adjusted for age and gender.
MDP: mixed drug poisoning; : Number of the patients; : estimated coefficient; SE: standard error of mean; OR: odds ratio; CI: Confidence Interval; GCS: Glasgow coma scale.