Research Article

Developing a Mobility Protocol for Early Mobilization of Patients in a Surgical/Trauma ICU

Table 1

Inclusion/exclusion criteria for pilot study.

Inclusion criteriaExclusion criteria

The patient must understand spoken EnglishThe patient is unable to understand spoken English
The patient must reach a level of mentation that permits interaction with staffThe patient has pelvic, long bone fractures or is in skeletal traction
The patient must have been intubated for a minimum of 72 hoursThe patient has been intubated for <72 hours (patients are at greater risk for physical debilitation after 72 hours)
The patient is physiologically stable (no pressors, vital signs wnl)The patient is on full spine precautions
The patient will have no invasive femoral arterial linesThe patient has a head injury such as acute traumatic brain injuries and/or increased intracranial pressure
The patient is being cared for in the surgical/trauma intensive care unitThe patient does not meet the respiratory criteria of Fio2 < 60%, rate < 12, PEEP < 10 and O2 sats 94
Patients on tracheotomy collar trial Fio2 less than 60% with at least 2 hours on the ventilator during a-24 hour periodThe patient has orthostatic hypotension
The patient has facial trauma or known difficult airway
The patient has a BMI >40
The patient has evidence of metastatic lung disease