Research Article

Combination of APACHE Scoring Systems with Adductor Pollicis Muscle Thickness for the Prediction of Mortality in Patients Who Spend More Than One Day in the Intensive Care Unit

Table 3

Demographic and outcome data between patients in each of the 3 APM groups.

APMT ≤ 10 mm ()10 > APMT ≤ 15 ()APMT > 15 () value

Age58.3 ± 15.556.5 ± 17.954.74 ± 18.280.1
 Male10 (3.3%)77 (25.5%)98 (32.5)
 Female18 (6%)66 (21.9%)33 (10.9)
Serum albumin (mg/dL)2.90 ± 0.63.20 ± 0.73.24 ± 0.70.9
APACHE II17 (13–20.75)16 (12–20)14 (12–20)0.01
APACHE III60 (45.25–75.25)47 (35–70)45 (31–59.75)0.02
Survival16 (14–18)13 (12–14)15 (12–17)0.001
 Alive5 (17%)80 (26.5%)121 (40.1%)
 Death23 (76.6%)63 (44%)10 (7.6%)
Admission category0.01
 Medical12 (3.9%)4 (1.3%)12 (3.9)
 Surgical64 (21%)49 (16.1%)72 (23.6)
 Trauma23 (7.5%)41 (13.4%)27 (8.8)

APACHE: Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation Score; APMT: adductor pollicis muscle thickness; ANOVA (mean ±  SD); chi square (n, %); Kruskal–Wallis.