Research Article

Acute Kidney Injury Outcomes of Elderly and Nonelderly Patients in the Medical Intensive Care Unit of a University Hospital in a Developing Country

Table 2

Comparison of outcomes between the nonelderly and elderly patients with AKI.

OutcomesOverallNonelderlyElderlyRR (95%CI)

In-hospital mortality, n (%)113 (37.67)58 (40.85)55 (34.81)0.88 (0.69–1.11)0.34
28-day in-hospital mortality, n (%)84 (28.0)46 (32.4)38 (24.1)0.81 (0.64–1.04)0.14
Requiring RRT, n (%)77 (25.7)35 (24.6)42 (26.6)1.06 (0.80–1.40)0.80
28-day in-hospital mortality and RRT requirement, n (%)172 (57.3)69 (48.6)73 (46.2)0.95 (0.75–1.20)0.77
Time to death, days19 (12–29)17 (11–25)21 (14–33)0.11
Length of ICU stay, days6 (3–15)5 (2–10)9 (4–17)0.0005
Time to initiated RRT, days2 (1–3)2 (1–3)2 (1–4)0.90
Indication for RRT, n (%)0.30
 Acidosis29 (37.7)17 (48.6)12 (28.6)
 Fluid overload26 (33.8)8 (22.9)18 (42.9)
 Uremia16 (20.7)8 (22.9)8 (19.0)
 Electrolyte disturbances6 (7.8)2 (5.6)4 (9.5)

Data are presented as median (interquartile range) or number (percentage). The elderly were those aged ≥65 years; abbreviations: AKI, acute kidney injury; CI, confidence interval; ICU, intensive care unit; RR, relative risk; and RRT, renal replacement therapy.