Research Article

Knowledge, Attitude, and Associated Factors towards Physical Assessment among Nurses Working in Intensive Care Units: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study

Table 2

Study participant’s knowledge towards physical assessment at Amhara regional state referral hospitals, Northwest Ethiopia, 2019.

Knowledge questionnaire itemsResponses
Correct n (%)Incorrect n (%)

RR should be assessed concerning:-181 (60.5)118 (39.5)
The presence of bruits in the carotid artery may suggest122 (40.8)177 (59.2)
Normal breathing sound includes122 (40.8)177 (59.2)
S3 heart sound can be heard when172 (57.5)127 (42.5)
Breast tissue does not change with aging242 (80.9)57 (19.1)
Pitting edema that disappears within a few seconds considered as158 (52.8)141 (47.2)
Stage 3 pressure ulcer injuries involve66 (22.1)233 (77.9)
Normal body temperature varies throughout the day.248 (82.9)51 (17.1)
Usually, blood pressure in the left and right arm differs by more than 15 mmHg126 (42.1)173 (57.9)
The most common sign and symptom of respiratory dysfunction is186 (62.2)113 (37.8)
The definition of orthopnea is needed to sit or stand to breathe normally127 (42.5)172 (57.5)
Does addition breathing sound like wheeze and stridor are common on further what data gathering needed for the above case (aortic aneurism)?179 (179)120 (40.1)
What additional information related to this recent development?243 (81.3)56 (56)
What complications will happen for the above case (aortic aneurism)?21 (7.0)278 (93.0)
Which one is mismatched about normal breathing sound with location?87 (29.1)212 (70.9)

RR = respiratory rate; mmHg = millimeter mercury.