Research Article

Monitoring Unfractionated Heparin in Adult Patients Undergoing Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO): ACT, APTT, or ANTI-XA?

Table 1

ACT, APTT, anti-Xa, and UFH dose values.

Total (N = 129)Group without antithrombin deficiency (n = 27)Group with antithrombin deficiency (n = 102) value

ACT (second)184 [175; 196]178 [168; 189]185 [175; 200]0.033
APTT (second)49 [40; 59]47 [42; 54]50 [40; 60]0.300
Anti-Xa (IU/ml)0,28 [0.21; 0.41]0,28 [0.24; 0.37]0.28 [0.19; 0.42]0.812
Heparin dose (IU/h)800 [600; 1000]600 [600; 800]800 [600; 1075]0.110

Data are presented as median [interquartile range].