Research Article

The Positive and Negative Effects of Calcium Supplementation on Mortality in Septic ICU Patients Depend on Disease Severity: A Retrospective Study from the MIMIC-III

Figure 2

LOS and mortality in septic patients with or without calcium supplementation stratified by iCa on the first day of ICU admission. The LOS in the ICU (a) and hospital (b) in the calcium supplement group was longer than that in the nonsupplemented group. The data for each interval are expressed as the median with the interquartile range and connected using the LOWESS smoothing technique (Mann–Whitney U test, ; ; ; , and n.s. not significant); higher 28-day (c) and hospital (d) mortality were found in the calcium supplement group when iCa was within 1.04∼1.17 mmol/L, and lower 28-day (c) and hospital (d) mortality were found in the calcium supplement group when iCa was <1.04 or >1.17. The data for each interval are expressed as percentages and connected using the LOWESS smoothing technique.