Research Article

The Positive and Negative Effects of Calcium Supplementation on Mortality in Septic ICU Patients Depend on Disease Severity: A Retrospective Study from the MIMIC-III

Figure 3

LOS and mortality in septic patients with or without calcium supplementation stratified by the SOFA score. The LOS in the ICU (a) and hospital (b) in the calcium-supplemented group was higher than that in the nonsupplemented group. The data for each interval are expressed as the median with the interquartile range (Mann–Whitney U test, , , , , and n.s. not significant). A higher 28-day (c) and hospital (d) mortality were found in the calcium supplement group when the patient’s SOFA score was ≥8, and a lower 28-day (c) and hospital (d) mortality were found in the calcium supplement group when the patient’s SOFA score was ≤4. The data for each interval are expressed as percentages (chi-squared test, , and ).