Research Article

The Positive and Negative Effects of Calcium Supplementation on Mortality in Septic ICU Patients Depend on Disease Severity: A Retrospective Study from the MIMIC-III

Table 2

Differences in clinical characteristics between survivors and nonsurvivors in septic patients with iCa records at the first ICU admission (hospital mortality).

Total (n = 2,694)Survivors (n = 2,194)Nonsurvivors (n = 500) value

Age (median, Q1Q3)64.46 (52.05–77.19)63.38 (51.17–75.25)70.3 6 (57.23–81.73)<0.001
Sex (male; n, %)1579 (58.61%)1291 (58.84%)288 (57.60%)0.611
Ca2+ on first ICU admission (median, Q1Q3)1.10 (1.04∼1.15)1.10 (1.04∼1.15)1.09 (1.00∼1.14)0.006
Congestive heart failure (n, %)596 (22.12%)465 (21.19%)131 (26.20%)0.015
Cardiac arrhythmias (n, %)979 (36.34%)737 (33.59%)242 (48.40%)<0.001
Pulmonary circulation (n, %)212 (7.87%)174 (7.93%)38 (7.60%)0.804
Hypertension (n, %)1532 (56.87%)1255 (57.20%)277 (55.40%)0.463
Chronic pulmonary (n, %)604 (22.42%)482 (21.97%)122 (24.40%)0.240
Diabetes uncomplicated (n, %)565 (20.97%)459 (20.92%)106 (21.20%)0.890
Diabetes complicated (n, 3%)156 (5.79%)126 (5.74%)30 (6.00%)0.824
Hypothyroidism (n, %)328 (12.18%)261 (11.90%)67 (13.40%)0.353
Renal failure (n, %)434 (16.11%)334 (15.22%)100 (20.00%)0.009
Liver disease (n, %)443 (16.44%)292 (13.31%)151 (30.20%)<0.001
Metastatic cancer (n, %)166 (6.16%)116 (5.29%)50 (10%)<0.001
Coagulopathy (n, %)488 (18.11%)346 (15.77%)142 (28.40%)<0.001
Fluid electrolyte disturbance (n, %)1278 (47.44%)950 (43.30%)328 (65.60%)<0.001