Research Article

The Validity of Quantifying Pulmonary Contusion Extent by Lung Ultrasound Score for Predicting ARDS in Blunt Thoracic Trauma

Table 1

Patient characteristics and scores.

Patient characteristicValue (n = 50)

Age, y35.74 ± 15.17
Male, n (%)41 (82%)
Physiologic parameters
 Lactate2.99 ± 1.38
 SBP82.20 ± 40.37
 Pao2/Fio2213.26 ± 85.57
Mode of trauma
 Rta, n (%)35 (70%)
 Falling from height, n (%)10 (20%)
 Direct impact, n (%)15 (30%)
Distribution of injuries
 Head trauma, n (%)21 (42%)
 Abdominal trauma, n (%)16 (32%)
 Spinal fractures, n (%)6 (12%)
 Extremity bone fractures, n (%)29 (58%)
 Pelvic fracture, n (%)6 (12%)
Injury severity measures
 GCS11.54 ± 3.67
 ISS33.42 ± 11.51
 RTS6.44 ± 1.61
 TTSS7.84 ± 3.20
Associated thoracic injuries
 Pneumothorax, n (%)24 (48%)
 Hemothorax, n (%)21 (42%)
 Fractured ribs, n (%)26 (52%)
 Flail chest, n (%)5 (10%)
Pulmonary status and outcome
 ARDS, n (%)12 (24%)
 Ventilator days12.05 ± 8.64
 Mortality, n (%)13 (26%)