Research Article

Discrepancies Between Bayesian Vancomycin Models Can Affect Clinical Decisions in the Critically Ill

Table 1

Patient demographics.

DemographicsFull sample
np = 188
nc = 466
True trough
np = 136
nc = 250
True trough at steady state
np = 71
nc = 113

Age (years), mean (SD)58 (17)59 (17)59 (17)
Sex (male), n (%)119 (63)89 (65)48 (68)
APACHE III score, mean (SD)62 (22)62 (21)64 (22)
Mechanical ventilation, n (%)74 (39)60 (44)34 (45)
Vasopressors, n (%)66 (35)48 (35)33 (46)

np = number of patients; nc = number of concentrations; SD = standard deviation; APACHE = acute physiology and chronic health evaluation.