Research Article

Association of GDF-15 and Syntax Score in Patient with Acute Myocardial Infarction

Table 1

Baseline level of 409 samples with acute coronary syndrome.

Variables (N=409)Values (Ratio/Mean ± SD)

Age (years)56.59 ± 11.33
Sex (Female/male)229 (55.99%) / 180 (44.01%)
Smoker221 (54.03%)
Total cholesterol (TC)4.53 ± 1.02
Triglycerides (TG)1.82 ± 0.79
High density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C)1.19 ± 0.74
Low density protein cholesterol (LDL-C)2.64 ± 0.68
Serum creatinine (CR)67.82 ± 17.52
Glucose (GLU)6.39 ± 1.97
Creatine kinase (CK)665.38 ± 810.64
White blood cell count (WBC)8.88 ± 3.72
Hemoglobin (Hb)129.62 ± 16.74
Platelet count (PLT)236.91 ± 58.43
Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF)50.82 ± 8.64
Growth differentiation factor -15 (GDF-15)964.32 ± 352.16
SYNTAX Score11.34 ± 8.67