Research Article

The Effect of Early Treatment with Intravenous Magnesium Sulfate on the Incidence of Cardiac Comorbidities in Hospitalized Stroke Patients

Table 2

Dichotomized demographic and clinical characteristics of patients who achieved and did not achieve blood serum magnesium study target within 72 hours (3.8 mEg/L).

Patients with serum Mg ≥3.8 mEg/L ()Patients with serum Mg <3.8 mEg/L () value

Age (mean, SD)73.5 (13.1)68.3 (13.3)<0.0001
Sex female (, percent)134 (52.8)338 (38.8)<0.0001
Diagnosis, (%)
 Acute cerebral ischemia178 (70.1)631 (72.4)0.13
 0.13 intracranial hemorrhage205 (23.5)72 (28.3)
 Stroke mimic4 (1.6)35 (4.0)
Race, (%)
 White203 (79.9)651 (74.7)0.06
 Black/African American22 (8.7)135 (15.5)
 Asian27 (10.6)75 (8.6)
 Other2 (0.8)10 (1.2)
Ethnicity–Hispanic, (%)65 (25.6)205 (23.5)0.27
Medical history
 Hypertension, (%)202 (79.5)675 (77.5)0.55
 Diabetes, (%)51 (20.1)199 (22.8)0.39
 Hyperlipidemia, (%)111 (43.7)422 (48.5)0.10
 Atrial fibrillation, (%)63 (24.8)191 (21.9)0.35
 CAD, (%)61 (24.0)184 (21.1)0.34
 MI, (%)31 (12.2)94 (10.8)0.57
 CABG, (%)6 (2.4)24 (2.8)0.82
 Prior stroke/TIA, (%)23 (8.3)65 (7.5)0.69
 Tobacco use, (%)41 (16.1)158 (18.1)0.51
 Any alcohol use, (%)87 (34.4)356 (40.9)0.06
Time intervals (mins), median (IQR)
 Onset to paramedic evaluation16 (8-32)16 (8-36)0.73
 Onset to ED arrival58 (46-77)58 (46-80)0.82
Severity scores
 Prehospital GCS, median (IQR)15 (14-15)15 (14-15)0.90
 Prehospital LAMS, median (IQR)4 (3-5)4 (3-5)0.48
Serum magnesium level mean (SD)4.7 (0.9)2.3 (0.7)<0.0001
Patients with CAEs, (%)47 (18.5)112 (12.8)0.03
Number of CAEs, (%)
 0207 (81.5)760 (87.2)0.09
 140 (15.7)96 (11.0)
 27 (2.8)14 (1.6)
 30 (0.0)2 (0.2)