Research Article

The Functional Severity Assessment of Coronary Stenosis Using Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography-Based Myocardial Mass at Risk and Minimal Lumen Diameter

Figure 4

The myocardial mass at risk-to-minimal lumen diameter ratio (MMAR/MLD) was significantly correlated with the fractional flow reserve (FFR) (r = −0.56, ; (a)). In the subgroup analysis, the relationships were also significant in the culprit lesions in the right coronary (r = −0.61, ; (b)), left anterior descending (r = −0.59 ; (c)), and left circumflex arteries (r = −0.51, ; (d)). In addition, significant relationships were noted in the culprit lesions in the proximal left anterior descending artery (r = −0.67, ; (e)) and nonproximal left anterior descending artery (r = −0.43, ; (f)).