Review Article

The Simplified Acute Physiology Score III Is Superior to the Simplified Acute Physiology Score II and Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II in Predicting Surgical and ICU Mortality in the “Oldest Old”

Table 1

Differences between APACHE II, SAPS II, and SAPS III severity scoring systems.


Variables Rectal Temp, MAP, HR, RR, Aa gradient/Po2, pH/HCO3, Na, K, creatinine, Hct, WBC, GCS, Age, chronic diagnosis Age, type of admission, temp, SBP, HR, GCS, UOP, WBC, BUN, K, Na, HCO3, bilirubin, Pao2/Fio2, AIDS, metastatic carcinoma, hematologic malignancyAge, LOS before ICUA, Intrahospital location (OR, ER, other ICU, other), comorbidities (cancer therapy, cancer, hematologic cancer, AIDS, Chronic HF (NYHA IV), Cirrhosis), Vasoactive drugs before ICUA, ICU admission (planned, unplanned), Reason for Admission (cardiovascular, hepatic, digestive, neurologic), Surgical Status at ICUA (scheduled surgery, emergency surgery, no surgery), site of surgery (transplant, trauma, cardiac surgery, neurosurgery), acute Infection at ICUA (nosocomial, respiratory), GCS, highest Total Bilirubin, highest body temperature, highest creatinine, highest HR, lowest WBC count, lowest pH, lowest platelet, lowest SBP, MV or CPAP PaO2/FiO2
Data collectionWithin 24 hours of admission to ICUWithin 24 hours of admission to ICUWithin 1 hour of admission to ICU
Major limitationNot helpful to stratify outcome prediction based on primary diagnosis May be less accurate for noncardiovascular diseases

Temp: Temperature, MAP: mean arterial pressure, HR: heart rate, RR: respiratory Rate, Aa: alveolar-arterial, Po2: partial pressure of oxygen; pH: hydrogen ion concentration, HCO3: bicarbonate concentration, Na: sodium ion concentration, K: potassium ion concentration, Hct: hematocrit, WBC: white blood cell count, GCS: Glasgow Coma Scale, Temp: temperature, SBP: systolic blood pressure, UOP: urine output, BUN: blood urea nitrogen, Fio2: fraction of inspired oxygen, AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, LOS: length of stay, ICUA: intensive care unit admission, HF: heart failure, NYHA: New York Heart Association, MV: minute ventilation, CPAP: continuous positive pressure ventilation.