Research Article

Bone Mineral Density in the Noninstitutionalized Elderly: Influence of Sociodemographic and Anthropometric Factors

Table 4

Linear regression coefficients (brute and adjusted) for bone mineral density according to sociodemographic, lifestyle, anthropometric, and body composition variables, in elderly men. Goiânia, GO, 2009. .

Variables value# Hierarchic multivariate analysis

1st level0.29
  Over 800.0130.012
 Years of school
  Over 81.0001.00

2nd level0.44
 Use of tobacco
  Low weight0.2990.400
 BMI (Lipschitz)
  Low weight0.0000.002
  Very enlarged1.0001.000
  No risk for CNTD0.0640.1580.0590.316
  At risk for CNTD1.0001.000

Due to loss of statistical significance, was not maintained in the final model of multivariate linear regression ().
#Linear regression test.
Adjusted by age and years of school (education level).