Research Article

SABE Colombia: Survey on Health, Well-Being, and Aging in Colombia—Study Design and Protocol

Table 1

Operative categories of analysis based on active aging determinants in the SABE Colombia study.

ClassificationMeasures and instruments

Economic determinantsWork history: occupation, employment, current occupation, and reasons for no work. Income: subjective and objective financial status, household income, and expenditures. Social protection: pensions and social transfers. Marital status, ethnicity.
Social environment determinantsEducational attainment and degree of literacy. Assessment of frequency, size, and closeness of social support and social networks. Living arrangements and perception in respect to neighborhood safety. Early-life circumstances (first 15 years) and childhood adversity, abuse, mistreatment, and perceived discrimination. Social participation. Migration and displacement.
Physical environment determinantsHousing characteristics, housing safety, and environmental risks. Use of technology. Transportation services, built environment, and public services.
Personal determinantsSpirituality, sexuality, subjective health status, life space assessment, and functioning: physical and instrumental ADL limitations; mobility disability (Nagi questionnaire), grip strength, short physical performance battery (SPPB): balance, gait speed, and chair stands.
Behavioral determinantsHabits: smoking and alcohol. Physical activity: Advanced Activities of Daily Living scale. Mini-Nutritional Assessment. Anthropometry: height; weight; body mass index; circumference of waist, calf, and arm. Oral health.
Health and social services systemsMultimorbidity, chronic conditions (hypertension, osteoarthritis, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer, and stroke), sensory impairments (vision and hearing loss), diseases linked to the aging processes (depression, dementia, falls and fear of falling, urinary incontinence, and frailty), mental well-being, and medications use (polypharmacy, hypnotics, homeopathic products, and adherence). Access and utilization of healthcare services.
Blood assaysHemoglobin and hematocrit, total cholesterol, LDL, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides.
Family caregivingCaregiver characteristics, perceived burden, caregiver health, and training.
Qualitative dataInteractions and participation, physical and psychological well-being, experiences, relationships, social contacts and support, and living environment.

ADL: activities of daily living.