Research Article

Comparing the Performance of Popular MEG/EEG Artifact Correction Methods in an Evoked-Response Study

Table 1

Deviant tones. Type of deviant is the type of change applied to the tone, and description explains the change. Occurrence describes whether the change is presented in different patterns randomly (single) or is present constantly in each following pattern from the first presentation until the next deviant of the same type occurs (consistent). Tone number denotes at which tone of the melody pattern the change may occur. Melodies with deviants column shows the percentage of melodies containing the particular type of deviant.

Type of deviantDescriptionOccurrenceTone numberMelodies with deviants

Mistuning3% pitch frequency increaseSingle1st, 2nd, 4th14%
TimbreFlute sound Single1st, 3rd, 4th, ending8%
Timing delay100 ms silent gap before the toneSingle1st, 2nd, 3rd, ending8%
Melody modulationTone replacementConsistent3rd, 4th12%
Rhythm modulation Duration switch between two successive tonesConsistent2nd, 3rd7%
TranspositionSemitone pitch change of a patternConsistentInitial triad16%