Research Article

Reducing the Schizophrenia Stigma: A New Approach Based on Augmented Reality

Table 2

Analysis of medical students’ answers about the symptoms felt during or shortly after the simulation.

Questions related to symptoms Reports [%]

(1) General malady19.05
(2) Weariness19.05
(3) Headache4.76
(4) Eyestrain38.10
(5) Difficulty to maintain focus71.40
(6) Increased salivation
(7) Sweating9.52
(8) Nausea9.52
(9) Difficulty to concentrate71.40
(10) “Heavy head”19.05
(11) Blurry vision38.10
(12) Dizziness with open eyes14.30
(13) Dizziness with closed eyes4.76
(14) Vertigo
(15) Abdominal discomfort4.76
(16) Belch