Research Article

AMOBH: Adaptive Multiobjective Black Hole Algorithm

Algorithm 3

Adaptive global optimum selection.
Require: The archive .
(1) %Calculate the cell density of solutions in archive.
(2) CD = CellDensity(Ar);
(3) %Calculate the strength of cell dominance of solutions in archive.
(4) SCD = StrCellDominance();
(5) %Sort the solutions with cell density in ascending order.
(6) SC = Sort(CD, ’ascend’);
(7) %Sort the solutions with strength of cell dominance in descending order.
(8) SS = Sort(SCD, ’descend’);
(9) %Select 2 solutions from archive as the global optimum solutions.
(10) if  evolutionStatus ’convergence’  then
(11) Bholes = [Ar[FindFirst(SC, )], Ar[FindFirst(SS, )]];
(12) %Select the first solutions from .
(13) %And select the first solutions from .
(14) elseif  evolutionStatus ’stagnation’
(15) Bholes = [Ar[FindFirst(SC, )], Ar[FindFirst(SS, )]];
(16) elseif evolutionStatus ’diversity’
(17) Bholes = [Ar[FindFirst(SC, )], Ar[FindFirst(SS, )]];
(18) end if
(19) return  ;