Research Article

Forecasting Short-Term Traffic Flow by Fuzzy Wavelet Neural Network with Parameters Optimized by Biogeography-Based Optimization Algorithm

Algorithm 3

Pseudocode of the improved BBO.
Set the initial parameters: ps (population size); (tolerance), G (generation) and limit
Generate the population Pop with ps habitats randomly
Evaluate the HSI (fitness) for each habitat in Pop
Gen = 0
While the stopping criteria are not satisfied do
Gen = Gen + 1
Sort all the habitats according to their HSI
Calculate the immigration rate and emigration rate
Randomly sort all the solutions
Perform migration operator RMO
Perform mutation operator
Assure that each habitat legal based on boundary constraints
Assess the HSI (fitness) for trial habitat in the new population Pop
 For i = 1 to ps
  End If
 End For
 If mod(Gen, G) = 0 do
  Calculate according to Powell’s method
  Randomly choose
  Perform Powell’s procedure with as starting point and obtain point y.
  Use y to replace the worst habitat in the population
 End If
 If limit
  Replace with a randomly generated solution
 End If
End While