Research Article

PS-FW: A Hybrid Algorithm Based on Particle Swarm and Fireworks for Global Optimization

Algorithm 2

Generating mutation sparks by the mutation operator of PS-FW.
(1) Input: explosion sparks and best explosion spark
(2) for to do
(3)  Generate a random integer in the interval [, ].
(4)  Initialize the location of the th mutation spark:
(5)  Calculate the number of dimensions to perform
    the mutation: .
(6)  Randomly select dimensions of .
(7)  for each dimension pre-selected dimensions
   of do
(8)   Calculate the value of by using (16).
(9)   if or do
(10)    Update the value of by using (17).
(11)  end if
(12) end for
(13) end for
(14) Output: mutation sparks.