Research Article

A Selective Biogeography-Based Optimizer Considering Resource Allocation for Large-Scale Global Optimization

Table 1

The summary of functions in CEC 2010 benchmark suite.

Function namePropertiesSearch rangeSeparability

F1: shifted elliptic functionUnimodal; shifted[−100, 100]DFully separable
F2: shifted Rastrigin’s functionMultimodal; shifted[−5, 5]D
F3: shifted Ackley’s functionMultimodal; shifted[−32, 32]D

F4: single-group shifted 50-rotated elliptic functionUnimodal; shifted[−100, 100]DSingle separable subcomponent
F5: single-group shifted 50-rotated Rastrigin’s functionMultimodal; shifted[−5, 5]D
F6: single-group shifted 50-rotated Ackley’s functionMultimodal; shifted[−32, 32]D
F7: single-group shifted 50-dimensional Schwefel’sUnimodal; shifted[−100, 100]D
F8: single-group shifted 50-dimensional Rosenbrock’sMultimodal; shifted[−100, 100]D

F9: 10-group shifted 50-rotated elliptic functionUnimodal; shifted[−100, 100]D separable subcomponents
F10: 10-group shifted 50-rotated Rastrigin functionMultimodal; shifted[−5, 5]D
F11: 10-group shifted 50-rotated Ackley functionMultimodal; shifted[−32, 32]D
F12: 10-group shifted 50-dimensional Schwefel’sUnimodal; shifted[−100, 100]D
F13: 10-group shifted 50-dimensional Rosenbrock’sMultimodal; shifted[−100, 100]D

F14: 20-group shifted 50-rotated elliptic functionUnimodal; shifted[−100, 100]D separable subcomponents
F15: 20-group shifted 50-rotated Rastrigin’s functionMultimodal; shifted[−5, 5]D
F16: 20-group shifted 50-rotated Ackley functionMultimodal; shifted[−32, 32]D
F17: 20-group shifted 50-rotated Schwefel’s functionUnimodal; shifted[−100, 100]D
F18: 20-group shifted 50-rotated Rosenbrock’s functionMultimodal; shifted[−100, 100]D

F19: shifted Schwefel’s function 1.2Unimodal; shifted[−100, 100]DFully nonseparable
F20: shifted Rosenbrock’s functionMultimodal; shifted[−100, 100]D

Note. m is the group size, and D is the dimension. In the CEC’2010 benchmark suite, m = 50, D = 1000.