Research Article

A Neural Network-Inspired Approach for Improved and True Movie Recommendations

Table 7

Movie review tokenization and tagging.

User IDTokens per documentTagging

9Unwatchable/VB I/PRP made/VBD it/PRP through/IN 20/CD minutes/NNS I/PRP think/VBP
91Thought/RB it/PRP was/VBD uneven/JJ and/CC wasted/VBD some/DT great/JJ talent/NN ./. Not/RB funny/JJ enough/RB ,/, too/RB much/JJ turd/VBD humor/NN ,/, and/CC think/VBP it/PRP is/VBZ a/DT made/VBN for/IN USA/NNP level/NN of/IN quality/NN with/IN better/JJR effects/NNS ./. It/PRP is/VBZ worth/JJ seeing/VBG for/IN Blanchett/NNP ./.She/PRP does/VBZ steal/VB every/DT scene/NN ,/, and/CC when/WRB the/DT sequel/NN happens/VBZ -/: and/CC it/PRP has/VBZ made/VBN more/RBR than/IN enough/JJ money/NN for/IN one/CD -/: I/PRP hope/VBP she/PRP is/VBZ front/NN and/CC center/NN as/IN the/DT main/JJ character/NN ./. She/PRP and/CC Black/NNP do/VBP have/VB a/DT fantastic/JJ chemistry/NN ./.
34Predator/NNP 1/CD &/CC 2/CD had/VBD comedy/NN in/IN it/PRP ./. Shane/NNP Black/NNP helped/VBD write/VB the/DT original/NN -LRB-/-LRB- everyone/NN should/MD know/VB that/DT by/IN now/RB -RRB-/-RRB- ./. Predators/NNS is/VBZ the/DT most/RBS serious/JJ movie/NN of/IN the/DT franchise/NN ./.
34I/PRP went/VBD to/TO see/VB it/PRP today/NN with/IN open/JJ expectations/NNS -LRB-/-LRB- professional/JJ reviews/NNS bad/JJ ,/, viewer/CD reviews/NNS good/JJ -RRB-/-RRB- and/CC thought/VBD it/PRP was/VBD a/DT fun/NN movie/NN ./. It/PRP cracked/VBD me/PRP up/IN a/DT couple/NN times/NNS ./.
17The/DT Flash/NNP has/VBZ done/VBN a/DT fantastic/JJ job/NN of/IN incorporating/VBG classic/NN from/IN the/DT hero/NN’s/POS comic/JJ book/NN history/NN