Research Article

A Transition Control Mechanism for Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm

Algorithm 2

Onlooker bee phase with the tl mechanism.
(1)//Onlooker bee phase
(2) assign a value to tf parameter ranging between 0 and 1
(3) //generate a vector filled with 0
(4) //a counter used to count transitioned employed bees
(5)for do
(6) assign value by using equation (6)
(7)if then
(9)end if
(10)end for
(11)Find probability values of each food source by using equation (4)
(12)if then
(14) get the first transitioned food source index by using
(15)while do
(16)  if then
(18)    randomly select a transitioned food source except than
(19)   Generate new solution around the by using equation (2)
(20)   Calculate fitness value of new solution
(21)   if then
(22)    Change with
(23)   end if
(25)  end if
(26)   get the next transitioned food source index by using
(27)end while
(30) get transitioned food source index by using
(31)while do
(33)   randomly select a food source except than
(34)  Generate new solution around the by using equation (2)
(35)  Calculate fitness value of new solution
(36)  if then
(37)   Change with
(38)  end if
(40)end while
(41)end if