Research Article

IARNN-Based Semantic-Containing Double-Level Embedding Bi-LSTM for Question-and-Answer Matching

Table 1

The form of a Q&A pair in the database.

(q) 六味地黄丸、前列康胶囊、阿莫西林胶囊, 这三种药可以一起服用吗? (Can Liuwei Dihuang Wan, Qianliekang capsules, and amoxicillin capsules be taken together?)

(a+) 可以的。没有问题的, 最好是遵医嘱在医生的指导下治疗. (Yes, it is ok. It’s better to follow a doctor’s advice and be treated under the guidance of a doctor.)

(a−) 您好: 建议您及时到医院检查, 明确发热的病因, 积极退烧治疗. (Hello, it is recommended that you go to the hospital in time to check the cause of fever and actively treat fever.)

(a−) 你好, 经常拉肚子这种情况是脾肾虚寒导致的,建议服用四神丸治疗. (Hello, the symptom of diarrhea is often caused by spleen and kidney deficiency. It is recommended to treat it by taking Sishen Wan.)