Review Article

A Systematic and Meta-Analysis Survey of Whale Optimization Algorithm

Algorithm 3

WOA-BAT algorithm pseudocode.
Details of the WOA are described below:
Generate initial population Xi where (i = 1, 2, 3, …, n)
Initialize f, , r, and A1
Initialize fMin, fMax
Calculate the fitness of each solution
X = the best search agent
 While (t < Max_iterations)
  For each solution
   Update a, A, C, L, and
    If1 ()
     If2 (/A/ < 1)
      Update the position of the current search agent by using Equations (10)–(12)
     Else if2 (/A/ ≥ 1)
      Select a random search agent (Xrand)
      Update the position of the current search agent by using Equations (10)–(12)
     End if2
    Else if1 ()
      Update the position of the current search agent by using Equation (5)
    End if1
   Enf for
Check if any search agent goes beyond the search space and amend it
Calculate the fitness of each search agent
Update X if there is a better solution t = t + 1
End while
Return X