Review Article

A Systematic and Meta-Analysis Survey of Whale Optimization Algorithm

Table 8

Summary of the basic CEC2019 functions.

No.FunctionsDSearch range

1Storn’s Chebyshev polynomial fitting problem19[−8192, 8192]
2Inverse Hilbert matrix problem116[−16384, 16384]
3Lennard-Jones minimum energy cluster118[−4, 4]
4Rastrigin’s function110[−100, 100]
5Griewangk function110[−100, 100]
6Weierstrass function110[−100, 100]
7Modified Schwefel’s function110[−100, 100]
8Expand Schaffer’s F6 function110[−100, 100]
9Happy Cat function110[−100, 100]
10Ackley function110[−100, 100]