Research Article

Detection of Image Seam Carving Using a Novel Pattern

Algorithm 1

The LNMOP descriptor construction.
(1)Input: Grayscale image (I)
(2)Output: Descriptor (LNMOP)
(3)Initial: t ⟵ 0, tol ⟵ [], r ⟵ 1
(5)[m, n] ⟵ size(I)
(6)k ⟵ ⌈ log2(2r + 1)2
(7)For i ⟵ −r: r
(8)  For j ⟵ −r: r
(9)     t = t + 1
(10)   temp (1: m, 1: n) = P (r + i + 1: m − r + i, r + j + 1: n − r + j)
(11)     if (i ! = 0)||(j ! = 0) then
(12)    mag(1: (2r + 1)2 1) = intensity (P (r + i + 1, r + j + 1))- intensity (P(r + 1, r + 1))
(13)     end if
(14)  end
(16)    λ ⟵ 2r + 1
(17)   l(1: (2r + 1)2 1) = level (max (mag), min (mag), λ, mag) //Determination of the magnitude level l
(18)  For l ⟵ 1: λ
(19)   if temp = = l then
(20)    temp1 ⟵ l
(21)  end if
(22)   temp2 ⟵ sum (temp1) //The number of occurrences for the magnitude level l
(23)   temp3 ⟵ dec_to_bin (temp2, k) //Decimal to binary with k bits
(24)    tol ⟵ [tol, temp3] //Concatenation
(26)LNMOP ⟵ tol/sum(tol) //Normalization
(27)return LNMOP