Research Article

A Trial of Student Self-Sponsored Peer-to-Peer Lending Based on Credit Evaluation Using Big Data Analysis

Table 1

The details of original features.


Prob_BackEach politic status’s default ratioFloat31586
Prob_NationEach nation’s default ratioFloat31586
Prob_ageEach age’s default ratioFloat31586
Prob_SexEach sex’s default ratioFloat31586
sum_subjectSum amount of subjectsInt31586
sum_gradeSum of gradesFloat31586
avg_gradeAverage of gradesFloat31586
excellent_timesTimes of excellent in examsInt31586
fail_timesTimes of failure in examsFloat31586
excellent_rateRatio of excellent coursesFloat31586
fail_rateRatio of failed coursesFloat31586
Lib_in_timesTimes of going into libraryInt31586
Lib_in_times_wkTimes of going into library on weekdaysInt31586
Lib_in_times_wkdTimes of going into library on weekendsInt31586
Lib_borrow_total_cntTimes of borrowingInt31586
Lib_borrow_booksSum acount of books borrowedInt31586
Lib_borrow_exceed_cntCount of returning books overdueInt31586
Lib_borrow_avg_exceed_cntRatio of returning overdueFloat31586
Lib_borrow_avg_exceed_timeMean duration of overdueFloat31586
Lib_renew_timestimes of renewing bookInt31586
Lib_renew_probRatio of renewing bookFloat31586
Lib_forbidden_timesTimes of forbidden to borrowInt31586
transaction_timesTimes of transactionInt31586
avg_costMean amount of transaction costFloat31586
sum_transaction_amountSum amount of transaction costFloat31586
sum_transaction_wkd_amountSum amount of transaction cost in weekendsFloat31586
sum_transaction_wkd_timesTimes of transaction in weekendsInt31586
sum_rechargeSum amount of rechargeFloat31586
mean_rechargeMean amount of rechargeFloat31586