Research Article

Student Enrollment and Teacher Statistics Forecasting Based on Time-Series Analysis

Algorithm 1

Whale optimization algorithm.
Initialize the whale population
Initialize a, A, and C
Calculate the fitness value of each whale
 = the best whale
(1)t = 0
(2)while (t < Max_iter)
(3)for each search whale
(4)  Update a, A, C, l, and p
(5)  if ()
(6)   if
(7)    Update the position of the current whale by Encircling prey
(8)   else
(9)    if
(10)     Select a random whale ()
     Update the position of the current whale by search for prey
(11)    end
(12)   end
(13)  else
(14)   if ()
(15)    Update the position of the current whale by bubble-net attacking method
(16)   end
(17)  end
(18)end for
(19)Check if any whale goes beyond the search space and amend it
(20)Calculate the fitness value of each whale
(21)Update if there is a better solution
(23)end while