Research Article

A Hybrid Pathfinder Optimizer for Unconstrained and Constrained Optimization Problems

Algorithm 1

Pseudocode of HPFA.
(1)Initialization phase:
 Calculate the fitness of each member of swarm;
(3)  Pathfinder’s phase
   Produce a new position vector according to equation (2);
   Calculate the fitness of the new position vector;
   Apply greedy selection;
(4)  Followers’ phase
   For each follower
    Produce a new position vector according to equation (4);
    Calculate the fitness of the new position vector;
    Apply greedy selection;
   End for
(6)  Mutation phase
   For each follower
    Select three followers
    for d in D
     select one dimension randomly
     if (rand() < )
      Produce a new position vector according to equation (8);
     End if
    End for
   Calculate the fitness of the new position vector;
  Apply greedy selection;
 End for
(7) Memorizes the best food source found so far;
 Pathfinder = best member
(8)until Termination Condition