Research Article

Development of Combinational Circuits by Encoding on the Basis of Developmental Biology

Algorithm 1

Womb for combinatorial circuits development.
Cycle I:
 Defines the input level and the circuit level
 Defines the number and nature of the inputs
 Defines the type of the component
  Phase 1: Fertilization
  Birth of a single cell zygote
  Phase II: Cell Division: Embryogenesis—Genotypic fitness
  Each cell divides itself into two.
  Two cells divide into four. Four become eight, eight into sixteen, and so on.
  Produces fit cells equaling the number of cells initially needed to make up the circuit.
  Phase III: Cell Adhesion: Morphogenesis:
   Local Cell Division:
   Cells which have high specificity with other cells replicate.
   Gate Dominated Adhesions: Gadherins:
   Replicated cells undergo gate-based adhesions with other cells.
   Adhesions continue till distinct cells are produced.
   Differential Strength of Adhesions:
   Each cell adheres differently to each of the other cells
    Determination of number of 1s forming each group in “C”:
    The number of 1s forming the cell decides the threshold for a cell to hold together
    Determination of constituents (Implicants, “I”) of each of the cells of “C”:
    The compositions which contributed to 1s are determined.
    Removal of weaker cells having lower strengths of adhesion–Phenotypic fitness
    Cells with weaker cells die out.
    Removal continues till distinct and fitter cells remain.
 Cycle II: Cell Grouping
 Distinct cells group themselves based on the fitness function defined.
 Grouping continues till objective is met.