Research Article

Five Shades of Grey: Exploring Quintary m-Sequences for More User-Friendly c-VEP-Based BCIs

Table 1

Summary of the mean (SD) or median values from the offline analysis, online performance, and questionnaire per flickering pattern across 18 participants.

60 Hz120 Hz240 Hz

Offline accuracy (%)97.7 (2.8)98.7 (3.1)99.0 (2.3)96.9 (9.8)94.7 (9.6)96.3 (12.4)
Online accuracy (%)99.4 (1.8)98.5 (2.5)97.6 (6.0)97.5 (5.0)97.9 (3.6)97.6 (4.8)
Experiment time (s)45.2 (7.0)45.3 (4.4)46.4 (9.8)50.7 (12.0)50.1 (12.5)59.7 (37.8)
ITR (bits/min)64.8 (8.8)63.9 (6.1)63.7 (11.5)59.2 (11.4)59.5 (12.5)55.9 (14.8)

The provided values for the offline accuracies were achieved with a classification time window of 1 s.