Research Article

Common Laws Driving the Success in Show Business

Figure 7

Feature maps of the testing data of an actor and actress in the embedding space obtained by different models. Blue line denotes class 1, and red line denotes class 2. It can be seen that the curves of different datasets show the same distribution and shape in the same embedding space. And, the boundary between two classes is clearer than the original feature space. Although it seems that the embedding spaces of different models are different, they are actually equivalent because they are different approximations of the global optimum obtained by the neural network. And, the curves of each feature’s weight show that there is one feature dominating the classification. Note that it is like the eigen decomposition. Hence, the order of these weights has no meaning. And, the dominative feature of each model shows a similar floating range, and there is a clear boundary between two classes in this feature. It further proves that three models have learned a similar feature.