Research Article

[Retracted] Analysis of Influencing Factors of PM2.5 Concentration and Design of a Pollutant Diffusion Model Based on an Artificial Neural Network in the Environment of the Internet of Vehicles

Table 1

Calculation of pollutant concentration.

Pollutant typesDaily average emission concentration (g/m3)Discharge rate (m3/h)Average strength (g/s)C (50 m) (mg/m3)C (500 m) (mg/m3)C (1000 m) (mg/m3)

BC (black charcoal)5.81100.01.770.76210.04106.06E − 52
CO690.01200.0230.099.03605.32867.88E − 50
CO21324.72500.0919.9396.100821.31213.15E − 49
NH368.61100.021.09.04240.48657.20E − 51
OC (organic carbon)4.81100.01.470.63300.03415.04E − 52
VOC (volatile organic compounds)895.83200.0796.3342.879718.44852.73E − 49
PMC19.62700.014.76.32970.34065.04E − 51
SO241.02300.026.211.28150.60708.98E − 51
NOx (nitrogen oxide)450.01200.0150.064.58873.47525.14E − 50
PM2.546.692700.035.015.07070.81091.20E − 50