Research Article

Path Optimization along Buoys Based on the Shortest Path Tree with Uncertain Atmospheric and Oceanographic Data

Algorithm 1

Dijkstra shortest path algorithm.
Input: graph G = (V, E), edge E, length l, vertex V.
Output: for all node u reachable from s, dist(u) is set to the distance from s to u.
for all u belongs to V
 dist(u) = infinity;
 prev(u) = null;
dist(s) = 0;
H = make queue(V); using dist values as keys
while H is not empty
u = delete min(V);
 for all edges(u, ) belongs to E
  if dist() > dist(u) + l(u, )
  dist() = dist(u) + l(u, )
  prev() = u;
  decrease key(H, );